Practicing sustainability is the idea of protecting and saving our environment from disaster. Often, these disasters or unbalance in nature are caused by ourselves and our ignorance. However, while as a whole we tend to harm our environment, we’re able to accomplish far more than such. People are our most important resource. Instead of focusing on how one differs from you, try looking at the positives they bring to your society. We must strive to create a better future for not only ourselves but for the people that follow. But how does this relate to sustainability?
From an economic aspect, sustainability promotes the practice of inclusive yet eco-friendly economies. New jobs are constantly created and encouraged to revolve around being green and beneficial to our planet. These range from agricultural specialists to eco-friendly fashion designers who advocate against real leather and animal cruelty. Through this, the job market is always opening toward new prospects. Green industries are constantly connected with economic growth. Whether it be sustainable farming, renewable energy, or even tourism, sustainability is a philosophy that is intertwined with our economic state.
Not only will this save our planet, but will also contribute to saving money. An example of this is as simple as our electricity bill. By utilizing a more sustainable approach or even limiting their electricity usage, one can lower energy consumption greatly and eventually lower their utility bills. Lastly, the growing sustainable and eco-friendly services not only benefit our Earth but also the constantly growing user market. Seeing as though times are changing, consumers are beginning to attract themselves to environmentally friendly products and practices as well as a company’s morals. Businesses can utilize this advantage and begin shifting consumer demand and market trends.
On the other hand, culture and traditions are equally as important aspects that sustainability plays a role in. Not only does sustainability encourage the preservation of traditions and generational similarity. Practices that date back to ancient roots such as organic farming or craftsmanship are all ideas that are greatly welcomed, as they tend to be less abrasive on the environment. This also raises our ethical standards in society, for humans tend to connect simple ideologies with the practices that surround us. As a result, we foster mindfulness and social responsibility which we may have been introduced to in our culture growing up. Culture and traditions directly correlate with the idea of having a community or society. Cultural practices are often done with similar-minded people that embrace this aspect of them as well. This ideology is quite similar to sustainability as well. Having a similar goal of promoting eco-friendly ideas can strengthen and bond a community together. Many begin to share their common values and their outlook on how to better our planet. From simply coming together and cleaning a local park, to organizing fairs that encourage energy saving, any step can bring a community together. This collaborative spirit can not only strengthen cultural cohesion between many but can also allow many to find their identity and place in society.
Sustainability is a lifelong practice that can not only help our planet but also a person as an individual. Seeing how one could affect the development of our civilization can force many to accept their environment and social responsibility. Sustainability helps people find their sense of purpose and fulfillment which further aids with their self-identity. It is essential to view sustainability and the growth of our planet as a lifestyle and a necessity rather than a phase or a hobby. While our passion and voice are essential to this drive, our most valuable asset is the people around us. Everyone can make a difference, including you.
By: Saloni Panchamia