OK, maybe this recipe doesn't have the most glorious, eye-catching, drool-worthy name. Still, it is ABSOLUTELY DIVINE, and so simple to make as well! This recipe has always been near and dear to my heart; the delicious aroma wafting from a steaming bowl of fried rice will perhaps forever be ingrained in my memories. Do keep in mind that this is not your traditional, Chinese take-out fried rice! The rice quality in this dish is vastly different, and completely adjustable to your preferences. Well, basically all of the ingredients are replaceable and exchangeable; this is truly such a versatile recipe! My version of fried rice isn't as heavy on the soy sauce and garlic either. It is, however, quite sweet, due to the ketchup (shhh! that's my secret ingredient!) I add into the dish. It totally works though, and it definitely reminds me a bit of ketchup in mac and cheese. If you're one of those people who are too snooty or stuck-up to add ketchup into their mac and cheese, I need you to stop reading this post before someone gets injured. Still, that's a debate for another day. To make peace, why don't we admire a picture of the leftover fried rice now?

Because of the ketchup, it was inevitable that the fried rice would be tinged pinkish... But does it matter if it's delicious? Besides, the ketchup adds a bit of spunky charm to the dish!
Let's get to wok! (wow...how funny...)
•2 eggs
•2 teaspoons milk
•2 cups of (leftover) rice
•1 tablespoon of soy sauce
•Salt to taste
•Splash of chicken stock
•Chopped leftovers of choice (frozen veggies, leftover stir-fry, cured meats, scallions, etc.)
•1 packet of ketchup
Step one:
Beat two eggs in a small bowl, stir in 2 teaspoons of milk, and season with salt.

Step two:
Scramble the eggs in a wok and set aside in the small bowl.

Step three:
Add a drizzle of oil into the wok and dump the leftover rice in. Then, break up the clumps.

Step four:
Season to taste with soy sauce and salt.

Step five:
If the rice is dry and/or hard, add a splash of chicken stock and continue to stir fry.

Step six:
Throw in your leftovers/additions & eggs. Stir-fry with the rice.

Step seven:
OPTIONAL: Add a squirt of ketchup and mix again. Season to taste a final time. Serve in a bowl and enjoy!

Recipe Card:

Have fun stuffing your face!