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Environmental Sustainability: The Three E’s

Ahlam Omar

Environmental sustainability is defined by the United Nations (UN) as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” In other words, it’s how we choose to live today so that life beyond us can thrive. In order to apply this concept in our lives we need to fulfil an equilibrium that entails three main components: Equity – Environment - Economy.

These three components are equally significant, ultimately, one should not outpower the other in any aspect. These three components are often called “The Three E’s”, in business they’re called “The triple bottom line” and others call them “The three legs of the stool”. Regardless what they’re called, they are the main basis for our general sustainability plan.

Firstly, Environment sustainability; it indicates the action of environmental protection by working towards maintaining the health and the stability of natural resources, air, land and ecosystems. This action entails, green engineering and chemistry and activists who help in building green cities, using the green hydrogen production, maintaining the air and water quality and resource integrity and raising awareness about the critical role of our carbon footprints.

Secondly, Economic viability; this component can be depicted in the support put towards the economic growth and financial freedom of communities and individuals with no need to give up any of their social and cultural beliefs. This means that civilians must be offered jobs that match their skills and encouragement to help the green business sectors to being more profitable. In return, taxes should be generated in order to fund and improve the public services for the community.

Thirdly, social Equity; it means the fair distribution of services and opportunities needed by the civilians. This component is greatly depended on the previous components. It tends to govern the societal factor of sustainability. This can be exemplified in the treatment employees experience, putting effort into being a productive community member, on a local and global scale. In return, one should be offered quality education, development opportunities and financial support (such as scholarships and investments on start-ups and small businesses).

In the end, our ultimate goal is not only understanding that these components are critical and in need to be carefully managed, however, we need to grasp the fact that they’re connected. As mentioned in the begging, if any of them outpowers the others, crises occur. A live example is, the climate change which the result of prioritizing the economic sector over the others. Well, now you know how we can help solve it!

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